How to install?

The Three Stages of Your Story with Your Frame


In this stage, you will finally be receiving your frame at home! We strive to ensure that your order is handled with the utmost care during the transportation phase, but it is important that you check a few things when it arrives.


Here, you will finally be taking your frame out of the box and installing it in your home or office. However, to ensure your frame is displayed in the best possible way and remains safe for a long time, you should follow some recommendations.


After receiving and installing your frame correctly, it will be ready to live alongside you through various special moments. However, to extend its lifespan as much as possible, some care should be taken, such as proper cleaning.


The day you’ve been waiting for has arrived! Your frame will finally be in your hands, but before opening it, there are a few recommendations to follow. Let’s check them out!

1- As soon as your frame arrives…

When the transportation service delivering your frame arrives, check if it is damaged. If it is, do not accept it! Contact us, and our Support Team will arrange a new frame for you.

2- Be Careful with Canvas Prints!

If the frame you chose is printed on canvas, be extra careful when opening it! This material is a bit more delicate and should not be pressed by your fingers or any other objects (especially sharp ones). Always handle your frame by the edges!


Now that your frame is in your hands and you’ve opened it, it’s time to hang it on your wall.

However, to ensure it shines on your wall as it truly deserves, follow our advice!

3- Always support your frame with more than one point of attachment

Most people hang their frames with just one support point (nails, screws, hooks, anchors, etc.), and this is one of the main reasons why, in the long term, damage occurs.

Here’s why:

By supporting the frame in just one spot, its balance will concentrate there, creating a tension point.

This tension point, since it’s not distributed throughout the entire structure of the frame but only in the center, will become overloaded and may cause distortions in the wooden frame, resulting in warping or even cracks.

When there are two or more support points, the tension is evenly distributed, and you will avoid any future problems with your frame.

This issue worsens even more with our larger frames and those with glass finishes, as their size and weight require more support. Without it, their lifespan is drastically reduced. For this, we also recommend using screws and anchors of size 8 to 10.

Check out the video of one of our customers who made this mistake.

In this case, after watching the video, you can see that the upper central part of our “Lion of Judah” frame was sagging.

After talking to the customer and analyzing what could have happened, we discovered that she had supported the frame with just one nail (image below).

In these wrong conditions, the pressure generated by the frame’s weight, overloaded on just one support point, unfortunately damaged it.

Therefore, always remember the importance of properly installing your frame so that it stays with you for decades!

4- Support points should be parallel

Another important recommendation for installing your frame is that the support points should be parallel, meaning at the same height. This prevents the worry of having a crooked frame, as it will already be aligned when hung!

5- Be mindful of the height at which you hang your frame!

Determining the perfect height to hang your frame is extremely important for creating a harmonious and stylish space! However, depending on how many frames you place on your wall, their arrangement should change to create the perfect composition. Learn with us!

When hanging a frame on your wall, imagine a line dividing it in half. This line should be positioned 1.60m from the floor because this is the average eye level for a person.

If you intend to hang your frame above furniture (a sofa, for example), it’s important that, in addition to following the 1.60m rule, you leave a space of 15-20cm between them.

If you want to create a composition with two frames, it is recommended to hang them with a gap of 5 to 10 centimeters between them.

And don’t forget the guidelines we provided earlier, as they still apply here.

Now, if you want to compose your decor with a set of three frames, it is recommended to hang them with a gap of 3 to 5 centimeters between them.

As in the previous example, the rules of average height and furniture spacing still apply.

6- Post a video or picture of your frame on Instagram and tag us! @primewallart

All the frames we create and bring to your home or office are designed to surprise you and make your space even more special. This has always been the purpose of our company, and we are thrilled to see this come to life.

So, we love when our customers show us their frames in their homes or offices and how satisfied they are with them.

So don’t forget to take a picture or a video and tag us (@primewallart)!

Real Cases

In this section, we have selected images of our clients’ spaces to show you which successes to get inspired by and which mistakes to avoid. Check it out!

What do you think? We believe that after this guide, you are more than ready to install your frame in the best way possible, making it the focal point of your decor and various special moments.

Best regards, the team!