
Prime Wall Art has artists responsible for creating completely original and exclusive works, all of which are registered with the copyright protection company, which provides a self-sufficient certificate, validated in the 176 member countries of the Berne Convention.

Thus, the company seeks to protect the copyright of the works in cases of plagiarism. This is because works of art are considered intellectual property protected by Law No. 9.610/98 (Intellectual Property Law), in its Article 7.

It is important to know that plagiarism is defined as the disguised or concealed copying, in whole or in part, of the manner in which a particular creator has expressed their ideas, such as a work of art, with the intention of claiming authorship of the intellectual creation.

Therefore, the unauthorized advertising and sale of Prime Wall Art's artistic content constitutes a violation of the author's rights, as it gives the plagiarist the false impression of being the original creator of the idea and artwork, illicitly attributing to them the credits and profits of the works.

Legal Department

In light of the numerous copies of our artworks by other companies, Prime Wall Art has a legal department that is ready to receive reports of any copyright violations at any time, whether carried out via e-commerce, marketplaces, or any other digital or physical platform.

If you discover the unauthorized publication and sale of any of our works on platforms other than Prime Wall Art, please contact us via the following email address: