Special Framing Options


When will my order ship?

The delivery time varies depending on where you live. All orders are shipped from São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. There is a production time of 3 business days, during which we will craft your frame using our production technology. This is a safety timeframe, but most are produced within 24 hours. It takes approximately 15 days for delivery to your home.

How to choose my wall art size?

We've prepared a step-by-step guide to help you choose the ideal size for your decorative frame. Click here to check it out.

Does it come ready to hand?

The frame arrives ready for you to hang. Simply drill the wall with a screw and attach it to the back of the canvas. It's completely simple and practical!

How to install my wall art?

We've prepared a step-by-step guide to help you install your decorative frame. Click here to check it out.

Is the purchase safe?

The purchase is completely secure, made through PayPal, one of the largest payment platforms in the world, offering the highest level of security. No payment data is stored, and we comply with GDPR. Additionally, we offer a full guarantee for our frames. They are produced with the best materials, and if you are not satisfied, we will refund 100% of your money.

Where the wall arts come from?

Our factory is the largest in Brazil, with over 23,000 square meters, and is located in the capital, São Paulo. All the wood used in production comes from reforestation, ensuring sustainability and a commitment to nature.

How I track my order?

As soon as your canvas is shipped, we will send a confirmation email with the tracking information for your frame.